Spike meaning
Spike meaning

spike meaning

No commitment to delivering the functionality or outcome being explored.Work performed to try to implement one or more of the proposed solutions (usually writing experimental code).A goal of exploration, research and increasing understanding.A set period of time to explore (called timeboxing).The key characteristics of a Tech Spike are: Understanding why Tech Spike’s exists helps us define them:Ī Tech Spike is an activity for exploring a problem and possible solutions during the course of delivering a product or platform in order to increase your confidence in being able to successfully deliver the features or functionality needed in line with timeline, budget and technical requirements.

spike meaning

It provides the permission and structure for you to shift into an exploratory mode in the midst of delivering a product or platform.

#Spike meaning how to

It might even be that you don’t know how to solve the problem.Ī Tech Spike gives you and your team a method for stepping outside the normal flow of work to remove or at least reduce the uncertainty around a technical problem. Due to this uncertainty, you might find it difficult to plan, estimate tasks, break a problem down into achievable tasks, identify risks and engage stakeholders. These technical problems introduce a level of uncertainty into your ability to make progress. In the development of new technology, you almost always come across technical problems where the answer isn’t knowable without putting in some effort to explore the problem or possible solutions further. This practical guide to Tech Spikes covers why you would do a tech spike, what they are, when to use them and how to run one. They help you step outside the current flow of development to increase your understanding and reduce uncertainty. Tech Spikes are a useful activity for your product development team to perform when you need to explore how you are going to solve a challenging problem.

Spike meaning